I got to speak to three lovely ladies about their lives as busy working moms and how they balance kiddies and a job.
Robynne-Leigh McNeill
Meet Robynne, a wife and mom first, and with a heart full of entrepreneurial dreams. She is currently finishing her 200YTT yoga teacher training (I am excited to attend one of her sessions) and is also the co-founder of Oil Life with her lovely mom, Amanda. Oil Life is an essential oils business that aims to empower people with tools to support their families naturally, and oh, do essential oils smell good!
Regardless of whether you have one or five little rascals, the same question will get asked, and that is, “How do you balance your work life and your mommy duties?” Well, Robynne gave me an answer; “Lists!! If I didn’t write everything down, there’s no way I’d remember everything let alone get it all done.
And between balancing Hayley, her going to school, running a business as well as studying, I’ve found it’s so important to not only remind myself that I’m capable of juggling it all, but that I’m also human and not Superwoman. So, it’s okay if sometimes the dishes pile up for a day or something slips through the cracks. A little grace for yourself goes a long way.”
For any of the first-time mommies, mommies-to-be, or the moms already, I’m sure you’d want a few tips, tricks, and motivation to get your entrepreneurial dreams going. Robynne says, “If it brings you joy, go for it! And surround yourself with people that support you and your dreams. Not only when you’re at your best, but also when you’re at your worst, because they’re the ones that will stand by you when it really matters. I could not have achieved what I have, and continue to, without the amazing support structure I’ve been blessed with. Oh, and don’t feel guilty for setting healthy boundaries and letting go of what no longer serves you, but that’s just a general life tip.”
Alicia Nel
Meet Alicia, a mom and owner of The Lash and Beauty Bar in Ballito. At the age of 23, Alicia started her beauty career and ever since has grown to love making women feel beautiful and confident with themselves! She is married to her high school sweetheart, and they have two beautiful boys, Handré (22 months) and Luca (five months). Yes, that’s right, an 18-month gap between two very busy boys, but they wouldn’t trade it for anything. “They have changed our lives for the better,” Alicia said.
Having two busy bodies and at such young ages, I’m sure you’re thinking how this mommy works and finds time to be with the little ones. Well, “The juggle is real, my days fly by. I am fortunate enough to run my own business and have time off to spend with my family. I have a great support system at home which includes an incredible hands-on husband, two amazing nannies and then my twin sister who will always be available in a flash.” says Alicia. She firmly believes that having a great support system allows her to live out her passion daily, which is her beautiful salon that she has built up over the years. They say when you do what you love you will never work a day in your life. That is very true!
Everybody gets burnouts, even if you’re a busy mommy or not but surely everyone has a way to deal with it. “I dedicate a day every 2nd week to myself where I either get my hair done, a facial, nails or a massage, and I feel so relaxed and refreshed!” says Alicia. I’m one of those people who LOVES tips, tricks and, of course, motivation! Alicia gives us some powerful words, “Follow your dreams and passion, the rest will fall into place like it should! I hustled and I conquered!”
Kylie Bornman
Meet Kylie, a wife to her best friend, Michael, and a mom of three. Fynnley Grace (four), Willow Wylde (two) and little Jory Judah (one). Together Michael and Kylie own a bespoke furniture making company called Kipekee Studio and have a heart for designing and making quality Scandinavian and minimalist furniture that inspires and brings life and beauty to spaces.
In 2020, Kylie had the opportunity to run with Sunny and Bear which is a children’s lifestyle brand that has expanded from linen garments into furniture, toys and more. Everything is designed and created by Jords (Kylie’s business partner) and herself and manufactured locally in our hometown (with the help of their talented husbands). Wow, Kylie is one VERY busy mom with not one but two jobs and three kiddies of four-years and younger, I mean how does she balance it all?
“I don’t always get this right, but definitely being organized and well prepared for the week ahead. My children thrive off their little routine and are well adaptable children when things don’t go accordingly.” Kylie says.
For Kylie, it has been a wild yet beautiful juggle the last five years with starting and building Kipekee Studio, being pregnant three times with Hyperemesis Gravidarum pregnancies, and each baby attached to her hip for a year. “Trying to navigate through this has had its very hard days and glorious days, but I’ve learnt so much about myself and mostly the power of grace and gratitude.” Kylie adds. Everyone knows the saying, ‘It takes a village to raise a child’, that’s why Kylie says that you shouldn’t be afraid to ask for help. She also says to give yourself grace, forgive yourself, and not to fear failing, but to take all the mistakes or failures as knowledge to grow, to become better and stronger.
“Start small, start where you are, with what you have, base it off what you know. It’s so hard to start if you get caught up in the mentality that everything has to be perfect to start your journey. Make more music, make more art, make more of whatever it is you’re good at and keep moving forward. Lastly, do it with excellence, appreciate and celebrate the wins no matter how small or big.” Kylie says.
Special Thanks:
Hair done by Hey Gorgeous Hair Studio
Instagram: @heygorgeousburndale
Outfits by MUZE
Instagram: @muzeshop_
Photography by Studio 8 Photography
Instagram: @studio8photographer