Insight into Health & Wellbeing

We got to pick the brilliant brains of a few passionate health professionals. They gave us some valuable information from the benefits of collagen to technical advancements in dentistry.


Dr Hamlyn

from The Wellness Family Practice

He owns The Family Wellness Practice in Ballito. His practice has evolved through introducing integrative and functional medicine. A natural healing journey embraces health and wellness rather than primarily focusing on disease management per condition. “Striving to thrive, we adopt personal responsible health stewardship.”

Give an everyday example of a healing journey?

Simply look around and follow the recovery of a COVID casualty? Physically and psychologically damaged, how do they repair their devastated lives?

Can you please explain what you mean by a “COVID casualty”?

Everyone on planet earth is a COVID casualty. We are spiritual beings living in a physical body and have a mind. COVID casualties are not only sick in their physical bodies, but all three.

How do we fix ourselves and get our lives balanced and back to normal?

Aha…Say a 35-year-old male, presents with myocarditis from the vaccine or another viral heart condition. Lucky to be alive, he has 30% heart function left. I have to explain his work is limited to a four-hour day, he must move to an apartment without stairs, will never surf again, and may cash in his life savings. Compensation for damage from the vaccine manufacturer is unlikely, yet he could be declined personal life insurance. He needs counselling for anxiety, PTSD, anger, and remains on lifelong chronic medication to delay a heart transplant. Yet two weeks ago he was the life and soul of a party. So, I coined the term “COVID casualty” so his whole family of four realise the loss is not only physical health. The accumulative damage to the marriage, family life, career, finances, and mental health has been more catastrophic. All four are “COVID casualties” and integrative healing addresses everything holistically through collaboration. GP’s deal with such stories every day.

Name some other COVID casualties?

  • The businessman who closed shop due to COVID is a casualty.
  • Anyone with financial loss or repossession of property.
  • Anyone who developed mental health challenges.
  • A spouse trapped overseas, a father not attending his baby’s birth, a widow separated from her dying husband, changing schools, cancelling studies, or weddings.

So how do these people benefit from integrative healing?

We design a lifestyle menu of functional therapies together with other health care practitioners, dietary, psychological, spiritual, pharmaceutical interventions, natural plant remedies, vitamins, and nutraceuticals. To actualise health and longevity, requires total commitment to your wellness journey.

Lastly, have you transformed yourself in any way?

Yes, my journey included rehabilitation from seven spinal injuries. This challenged me to practice what I now preach. I delved into quantum bio-frequency medicine. I might have suffered less, but my life lessons have been a gain. Healthcare practitioners, in particular, are COVID casualties needing support, so I choose to partner and treat all patients to be overcomers and achieve healthy victories.

Contact details: Tel: 032 946 1333




Dr Thinus van Niekerk

From The Cosmetic and Dental Emporium

With practices in both Ballito and Umhlanga, Dr van Niekerk and his team have become synonymous with pioneering excellence in private practice dentistry since 2012. Always invested in the latest technologies and developments in dentistry, his practices bring cutting-edge, world-class dentistry to South Africa. We asked Dr van Niekerk about dentistry and technology.

What makes your dentistry different from another?

We have this brand-new dental rehabilitation and implant centre. I can imagine from a patient’s perspective what it must feel like to not have all the answers when you are faced with a large treatment decision. Either a patient having a single tooth missing (back or front), trauma, long-term damage, several teeth missing and needing a new set of teeth, we can plan the whole case upfront using the right scans and diagnostic material we have in a single software to put together the whole treatment plan. It doesn’t exclude patients that have had implants placed elsewhere, those implants, all their crowns and bridges may need replacement. We can still work off any platform, and oftentimes you would go to a certain dental clinic that may not necessarily be familiar with that implant system and that is quite hard. We can facilitate anyone and that’s unique.

How is the new technology helping in the dentistry field?

We all know x-rays, and everyone is familiar with how they work, and to some degree they all do the same thing, whether it’s in a film format or a digital format, but the technology improves overtime. When I look at my first x-ray units, the quality, and the image from what I see now with the CBCT machine, is a completely different image and also, it’s 3D. We didn’t have 3D back then and now it sets this machine apart from most other machines, and this is the only one in KwaZulu-Natal. You can do great diagnoses. I can take, say a CBCT of a teenager’s teeth and put it into a software, the software is so clever to distinguish tooth position and it marries that tooth position with the inter-oral scan that we do, and it can determine the long access of each tooth, and then pre-determine where the bracket position needs to be. Once you’ve placed the brackets digitally, you can do a transfer plan straight to the patient’s mouth. So, you are literally doing everything outside the patient’s mouth on a computer and then transferring that to the patient’s mouth within 15 or 20 minutes.

What are some key points that a patient can experience?

  • Less time in the chair.
  • Smaller turnover time.
  • No long waits unless it’s waiting for full healing time or implants.

Contact details: Tel: 032 586 3284


Address: Sanhall Office Park, Suite 29, 1 Kirsty Close, Ballito


Sharon Castle

from Mindfit Coaching Academy

She loves coaching! Watching people change their lives and empower themselves to continue to shift and grow, is what enlivens Sharon and gets her up every morning. We asked Sharon a few questions about her Life Coaching.

What do you mainly strive to work on in your sessions?

Working with clients one-on-one is the most enjoyable thing I do as a Transformational Life Coach. There is usually no agenda and clients arrive with whatever is on their mind and we coach around that.  We explore things together and my role is to guide and lead each person to their own wisdom. I work with three powerful principles which I use to point people to their own truth within. Everyone has their own wisdom and my only agenda is to help them to awaken to that. Once a client experiences their own wisdom and genius it’s a game-changer.

Why did you choose Life Coaching as your profession?

Life Coaching chose me! I knew from an early age that I had a gift. Back in the day, before I even heard the word “Life Coach”, I was just helping people and called it Life Skills training. It wasn’t until I read an article about Tony Robbins and heard the word “Life Coach” for the first time that I thought I should find out more about it. I love my work and have been coaching for over 38 years part-time which includes running my full-time practice for the past 13 years in Salt Rock.

What is the main thing you need to change in order to live the life you want?

Transformation is about realizing that your life works from the inside out and not from the outside in. What that means is until you notice the way you think in response to life’s circumstances, you will continue to default into the same old ways of doing things and continue to feel frustrated by the outcome.  Most people want to change something in their lives in order to feel happier but don’t always know what to do to shift their perspective. They get triggered and react negatively then beat themselves up because they think they’re broken and need fixing. Mindfit Coaching teaches people how to feel more peaceful, which in turn moves the needle towards where they want to go much quicker rather than trying to change and control their thinking.

How can one worry less, and enjoy life more?

Less worry and more enjoyment happens when we notice how we’re feeling and allow ourselves to naturally move through the experience without scaring ourselves with even more thinking!  It’s so simple and Mindift Coaches are trained to help people understand the simplicity of living a good life with less stress and more success and fulfilment.


Contact details: Email:





from Youthology

She believes the claims made by brands should be made with integrity. That is why Deborah has chosen only the finest ingredients backed by clinical trials which have proven themselves to her, as she personally enjoys the benefits made by those claims. We asked Deborah more about Youthology.

 Photographer: Jacki Bruniquel.

What makes Youthology Bioactive Collagen Powder so special?

Youthology contains all three collagen peptides, types I, II and III, at optimal levels. Collagen type II and III are specifically aimed at improving the appearance and health of skin, hair and nails and contributing to gut health. But importantly, we have chosen to also include the premium type II collagen in our formulation – the only collagen peptide which contributes so effectively to joint restoration and health – surely an essential component for overall youthfulness? Yes!

Our all imported ingredients are highly purified, bioavailable and intensely bioactive. This means these collagen peptides are detected in the bloodstream within 30 minutes after consumption and then readily absorbed instead of digested.

Clinical trials show that after just four to eight weeks of using the high-performance type l, ll and lll peptides in Youthology,

collagen is restored in the body by up to 65%, wrinkles depth decreases by 35%,

skin elasticity by 20%,

joint pain decreases by 40%,

with percentages increasing with continued use.

Youthology is ultra-purified so it’s almost tasteless. You can pop it into your smoothie, yoghurt or just down it dissolved in water to ensure you get your consistent daily dose of 10-20mg.

So, what is collagen and where does it come from?

Collagen is the most abundant protein in our body – it forms our body matrix, the scaffolding, that contributes to the support structure of our skin, hair, nails, bones, muscles and joints. Our collagen products are of bovine and chicken source, free-range, hormone-free and Halaal, extremely highly purified and hydrolysed and derived from the cartilage, connective tissue, skin and bone of free-range and pasture-fed animals.

What inspired you to bring your own collagen brand to the market?

As a product and brand developer, I am sometimes inspired to create a product I personally would like to use but cannot find on the market exactly as I would like it. To be honest, I was sceptical about whether the “hot and happening” collagen market could really support the claims it was making, or whether most of the collagen consumed just got digested and went straight through the body. My research led me to understand that not all collagen is created equal.

The purest, most hydrolysed forms are the only ones that are also truly bioavailable and bioactive. And so Youthology was born!

I am delighted by the incredible testimonials we are receiving after just a few months on the market and that people are finding it such a positive overall addition to their lives!


Contact Details: Tel: 0783869759

Facebook: @youthologyco

