“It has been touch and go as to whether the 2021 event would even be able to
take place this year,” says Alene Naidoo, Organiser of The Durban Botanic Gardens
Trail of Lights. “Last year was such a disappointment, when we had to close early,
due to adjusted COVID restrictions; but we have received the go-ahead from the
relevant authorities and barring any major announcements from the President, we
are optimistic that the 2021 show WILL go ahead as planned – kicking off on 3
December 2021. This has been a challenging year in every way and this year’s
event offers a celebratory moment for us all.”
“Now in its fifth year, the Trail of Lights is a firm fixture on the Gardens’ festive
season calendar,” says Koren Gnirck, Trust Manager of the Durban Botanic Gardens
Trust. “We are grateful that our various media partners including East Coast Radio
and Independent on Saturday, have joined with us again to bring Durban’s favourite
festive event to as many people as is safely possible. We are all desperate for
some year-end relaxation and fun and that’s what you’ll get at the Trail of Lights.”
With the Gardens festooned with thousands of lights, 2021 is sure to delight
visitors of all ages, with world class lighting displays, charity activations, a food
garden and festive characters.
The Trail of Lights will open on 3 December 2021 and run until 2 January 2022. To
meet protocol requirements and ensure the safety of patrons, key operational
changes have been implemented this year. Most significantly, the introduction of
three entry times at 18:00, 19:00 and 20:00 respectively. This will allow for social
distancing, as families can navigate their way around the trail before the next
group arrives. There will be no ticket sales at the door.
ABOUT The Durban Botanic Gardens Trail of Lights 2021
The Trail of Lights takes place from 3 December 2021 to the 3 January 2022,
excluding Christmas Day, in Africa’s oldest surviving botanic garden.
Tickets are extremely limited and NO tickets will be available at the door. Children
two years and under enter for free.
Tickets are available from www.webtickets.co.za or Pick ‘n Pay at:
18:00 Entry R70 per person
19:00 Entry R65 per person
20:00 Entry R60 per person
ABOUT The Durban Botanic Gardens Trust
The Durban Botanic Gardens Trust is an independent and discretionary Trust,
established in 1993 to support is Durban Botanic Gardens with various maintenance
and development projects including projects with a focus on the following core
areas: education, biodiversity, heritage, horticulture, research and people, plants
and culture.
The Trust, through its various fundraising initiatives, sponsorships and donations
from both public and corporate benefactors, is able to invest in the future of the
Durban Botanic Gardens to ensure that the Gardens remains a garden of excellence
and a garden for all and maintains its relevance and presence within the
horticultural world at both international and regional level.
The Gardens special presence within the City is also critically important to
ensuring a balance within the urban environment. Whilst it is a major tourist
attraction, it is also a place of peace and tranquility for all the citizens of Durban.
As an independent body from the City municipality, the Trust ensures that the
qualitative elements of the development and maintenance of the Gardens can be
supplemented, thereby ensuring that the Gardens continues to be recognised as an
educational, scientific and culturally relevant institution.